
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Qahwa Sadah

Approximately three weeks ago I agreed to move to Palestine and teach at an english speaking elementary school. I didn't think through all of the logistics, but it sounded like an adventure. So, here I am. Living in Palestine. 

My first day was chaotic, hot, exhausting, and wonderful. 

After two long flights and too little sleep I finally got to see Bethlehem. It is mostly brown and desert like. Although I am told that it gets really green in the winter and spring. I am constantly surrounded by Arabic language and commotion. I love it. While it seems overwhelming at times, I am constantly reminding myself to be grateful for the constant cultural immersion. I hope to start taking language lessons soon. The constant conversations in Arabic should help me learn faster. right? 

Many of the other teachers at the academy are from Palestine. They have all graciously promised to help me learn arabic. I already failed miserably at pronouncing simple words. I accidentally said something offensive and the girl who was trying to help me pronounce the word started laughing at me. But she patiently continued teaching me little phrases and words. I don't remember most of them off the top of my head. But I have only been here two days. So I think I can give myself a break. I do remember the word for coffee--qahwa sadah.

Speaking of coffee. It is one of my favorite things. I went to several stores today and at each one, we were offered coffee. Arabic coffee. Little shots of extremely strong black coffee. It was so good. I think I can get used to this. Coffee here is a symbol of hospitality. I believe that hospitality is extremely important. It is a way to treat others better than yourself. To put someone else's comforts above your own. This is exactly how God wants us all to live. So, the small act of offering coffee meant so much to me. It is a wordless expression of acceptance and kindness. 


  1. Love that you are blogging! So sweet to hear your words!

  2. Hailey! This is so exciting!! I'd love to connect you with a few friends I have over there so send me an email to

  3. Mmm Arabic coffee sounds delightful. Keep the blog posts coming! Love you Haley!
