
Monday, October 19, 2015

Fight The Evil

As the situation here becomes more… complicated, I have come to realize the importance and power of connection. Being connected to the community not only provides a level of security, it also humanizes a very sensationalized situation. It is weird to watch the global news channel and realize hey, that’s like 10 minutes from my house. When local news and global news are the same, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and commotion. It’s tempting to take sides and point fingers.

The frustration and sadness of the situation is so evident here. The fighting affects the lives of human beings. Everyone suffers. Both sides experience loss and shame. The injustice is difficult to watch. It is especially difficult to see the role of religion in the midst of the conflict. As groups fight over religious sites, people die. As they taunt each other, innocents suffer. As the violence continues, the religious become fanatics. It is chilling to watch people become so deceived by ideologies that they will take their own life or the lives of others. To watch human beings kill each other is heart wrenching.

The other day I was walking past the church near my house and I saw these words written with black spray paint on the church’s wall: “Fight the Evil.” How profound. These three words go beyond blaming. They reach past the human beings involved in the situation here and into the heart of the problem: EVIL. 

Fight The Evil.

Fight the hatred that builds walls. Fight the fanaticism that leads to violence. Fight the blaming that breeds resentment. Fight the injustice that causes suffering. Fight the judgment that empowers pride.

I don’t know how this fight looks in every context, but I know those words—written on the wall of that beautiful church—are the key to changing the dysfunction in our world.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).

We all face hate, extremism, blame, injustice, and judgment everyday. Don’t let it take over. Don’t be unknowingly defeated by these subtle, cruel symptoms of our corrupt, diseased world. FIGHT THE EVIL.

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